Σάββατο 16 Μαΐου 2009


It's an idea,
someday in my tears,
my dreams
don't you want to see her proof?
Life that comes of no harm
you and I, you and I and dominoes, the day goes by...

You and I in place
wasting time on dominoes
a day so dark, so warm
life that comes of no harm
you and I and dominoes, time goes by...

Fireworks and heat, someday,
hold a shell, a stick or playover
heard a lark today
losing when my mind's astray
don't you want to know with your pretty hair
stretch your hand, glad feel,
in an echo for your way.

It's an idea, someday...

It's an idea, someday...
in my tears, my dreams
don't you want to see her proof?
Life that comes of no harm
you and I, you and I and dominoes, the day goes by....

Lyrics by Syd Barett.

A song that almost perfectly describes my current emotions, feeling like I' m spending my days on doing nothing in particular, nothing meaningful, while all of my 'tears and dreams' are going to waste. What's to console me? My lover, poetry. Days go by... without me taking part in that, my own life, I feel the need to start all over again, to fly, to risk, to learn, to love, to dream, to travel...to live. I need to express myself, I need someone to stand by my side any time I ask, to truly care and understand my strange mind . Maybe it's high time I got to know myself. But it always feels like I run out of time. The same mistakes all over and over again...

3 σχόλια:

  1. "What’s to console me? My lover, poetry. Days go by… without me taking part in that, my own life, I feel the need to start all over again, to fly, to risk, to learn, to love, to dream, to travel…to live. I need to express myself, I need someone to stand by my side any time I ask, to truly care and understand my strange mind ." This is how I've been feeling for a while now. Thank you for expressing it so amazingly. xx
